Positive Behavior Intervention Supports FAQ
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)
PBIS is a district wide initiative and an integral part of Aberdeen High School's culture and expectations for our staff and students. PBIS began at AHS in 2017 and will continue to evolve as we gather data, feedback and evaluate the processes.
What is the purpose of PBIS?
The purpose of PBIS is to improve social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students through positive reinforcement and to create a consistent and supportive environment for all.
Who is on the PBIS team and what do they do?
The PBIS team consists of staff and students who meet regularly to plan PBIS activities and continually monitor policies and procedures. The team always welcomes questions, feedback and suggestions from any staff or students. Please feel free to share with any of the following team members: Mr. Martinsen(Advisor), Mrs. Green, Mr. Roiko, Mr. Erickson, Mr. Kranich, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Taylor-Eldred and Mrs. Mainio.
How are students involved in th PBIS decision making?
PBIS has a team of student representatives which consist of up to four students from each grade level. Students elect to become a part of the team by completing an application which can be found in the main office. All students have an equal opportunity to become part of the PBIS team. The PBIS student representatives have their own CATS Connection class during 5th period.
What are Bobcat Pride (PBIS) tickets?
Gold tickets are staff to student
White tickets are student to staff
Blue tickets are staff to staff
How do I receive tickets?
Students: Students receive tickets from staff by following the PBIS expectations described in the matrices. Tickets should be given to all students when they are following expectations.
Staff: Staff can receive tickets from other staff members and students for exhibiting positive/helpful behavior.
What do I do with my tickets?
Students: Students are able to take their ticket to the Cat's Cave for an immediate prize or to the office to be put into a specific drawing. All tickets are entered into the trimester drawing.
Staff: Staff take their tickets to the main office to be entered in the monthly staff drawing.
What are the prizes and when are the drawings?
Students: There are several different prizes for students.
Immediate: Cookie from Cat's Cave
Weekly Drawings:
Fan of the Game, Drink from Cat's Cave
Monthly Drawings: Parking Spot, Swag Pack
Trimester Drawings: Breakfast provided by staff for you and five (5) friends
Staff: There is a monthly drawing for a Cat's Cave coffee card.
Where do I get more tickets?
Mrs. Dismuke has all of the Bobcat Pride tickets in the main office.
How does PBIS relate to our restorative discipline policy?
The PBIS matrices outline the expectations for all students. The restorative discipline policy is aligned with the matrices and state discipline expectations.
Where can I find the matrices?
The matrices are posted in each classroom and in a variety of locations throughout the building.