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MTSS: Multi-Tiered Systems Of Support

What is MTSS?

In schools, there's a system called MTSS, which provides different levels of support to students based on their needs.

  • Tier 1 offers basic support to all students, including good teaching practices and positive behavior programs.
  • Tier 2 provides extra help for students who need it, such as targeted interventions in small groups.
  • Tier 3 gives intensive support tailored to specific student needs, like one-on-one instruction.

Title I, LAP, and EL programs are essential parts of this system:

  • Title I is a federal program providing extra funding to schools with many low-income students. It supports struggling students by offering extra academic help, like tutoring.
  • LAP, a state program in Washington, helps students falling behind in reading, writing, or math. It provides personalized learning plans and fits into the MTSS framework.
  • EL programs assist students learning English as a second language, ensuring they succeed academically while improving their English skills. These programs align with MTSS tiers based on individual student needs.

Contact Information for MTSS Programs:

AHS MTSS Coach Information:
Name: Sal Abruscato
Phone: 360-538-2040
AHS Multilingual Education Teacher Information:
Name: Megan Orosz
Phone: 360-538-2040
Title 1/LAP Director Information:
Name: Traci Sandstrom
Phone: (360) 538-2123
Multilingual Education Program Director Information:
Name: Jamie Stotler
Phone: (360) 538-2140
Federal and State Programs Secretary Information:
Name: Kymm Wolf
Phone: (360) 538-2013