When it comes to paying for college, put applying for scholarships towards the top of your priority list! Scholarships do not have to be repaid and there are thousands of them.
Who offers scholarships:
Why are scholarships awarded:
What are some scholarship search engines and websites:
Students can search and apply for scholarships while they are applying to colleges. Contact your counselor if you have questions. We are here to help! Check out the scholarships in the tabs below. Please check deadlines and review often as updates are made throughout the year
- High schools - Aberdeen High School participates in a local Scholarship Program that you can apply for through the main office. Applications open up in January.
- The college/university/technical school you will be attending- look at the financial aid page or scholarship page on the school website that you will be attending. Make sure you do not miss the deadline for their scholarship application. It is often before the application deadline.
- Employers - Your parents'/guardians' employer might have a scholarship that you can apply for. Make sure to ask them. Your employer might have a scholarship that you can apply for....make sure to ask.
- Individuals, private companies, nonprofits, communities - students are encouraged to apply for local, state and national scholarships. Some of these scholarships are posted in bulletins/newsletters, some are posted on the high school College & Career Center webpage and some you can find by searching the internet.
- Religious groups, and professional and social organizations - Check your church and organizations that your family may be a part of to see if they offer a scholarship.
- Scholarships can be awarded based on merit (good grades or GPA), cultural or religious background, community service, leadership experience, sports, special talents and personal interests, regardless of financial need.
- Financial need based grants and scholarships - Washington College Grant (formerly the State Need Grant) makes education and training beyond high school affordable to eligible students.There is no separate application for the Washington College Grant. Students should complete a federal or state financial aid application (FAFSA or WASFA), which colleges will use to determine eligibility and make awards. The College Bound Scholarship program is state financial aid to eligible students who sign up in middle school or 9th grade. There is no separate application. Students should complete a federal or state financial aid application (FAFSA or WASFA).
- - For Washington students attending college in and outside of Washington.
- GearUp Washington
- bigfuture.collegeboard
- Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) - Study out of state in the West and pay 150% of resident tuition or less. Check the website for eligibility, colleges and programs.
- Washington State Opportunity Baccalaureate Scholarship - For Washington residents planning to earn a bachelor's degree in more than 150 eligible STEM or health care fields.