College Bound Scholarship
College Bound Scholarship for Washington students!
Are you interested in health care? Construction? Video game design? Running a business?
Whatever your career goals, the College Bound Scholarship could help you attend and pay for the school that is right for you!
If you are eligible for free and reduced-price lunch in 7th, 8th, or are newly eligible in 9th grade, you will be automatically signed up for College Bound.
The scholarship combines with other state aid, such as the Washington College Grant, to cover college tuition (at public tuition rates), some fees, and a small book allowance at over 65 colleges, universities, and technical schools in Washington for students who meet the eligibility requirements when they graduate high school and attend college.
You must graduate with a 2.0 GPA, have no felony convictions, and meet income requirements every year when you apply for financial aid starting your senior year.
For more information, please contact your school counselor at AHS, or visit the College Bound Scholarship website at
Questions? Email or call 888-535-0747, option 1.