Future NCAA College Athletes
For students interested in becoming a college athlete at any division 1, 2, or 3 college in the NCAA, there are many things that you need to make sure you are completing as you move throughout your high school career:
There is also an attachment below containing the new release of the NCAA Guide for the College Bound Athlete as well as our current list of NCAA approved core courses at AHS:
9th Graders:
- Ask your counselor for a list of our NCAA core courses to ensure that you are taking the right classes
- You may also register for a free profile page account with the NCAA Eligibility Center
10th Graders:
- Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center
- If you have decided at this time what division you will be playing at (1, 2, or 3), you will transition your profile page account to a certification account ($100)
11th Graders:
- Check with your high school counselor to ensure you will graduate on time with all required NCAA approved core courses
- Take the SAT/ACT. Submitting your scores to the NCAA using code 9999
- At the end of the year, ask your counselor to upload your official transcript to the NCAA Eligibility Center.
12th Graders:
- Finish your final NCAA required core courses
- Take the SAT/ACT again, if necessary. Submitting your scores to the NCAA using code 9999
- Request final amateurism certificate in your NCAA eligibility center account after April 1st.
- After you graduate, ask your counselor to submit your final official transcript with proof of graduation to the NCAA Eligibility Center.