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Music Boosters



Welcome to the Aberdeen Bobcat Music Boosters' page!

The Bobcat Music Boosters is a parent volunteer group that assists the music departments at Aberdeen High School, Miller Junior High School, and the elementary schools. Among our many projects, we feed the AHS Marching band before every home football game, sell concessions at the football games, provide programs for music concerts, help with props and sets for musicals, chaperone students on music trips, pay for registration fees for students, offer several sponsorships, and provide a yearly stipend to the music directors for non-curriculum items. Our biggest fundraiser each year is our Jazz Auction & Dinner. This year the dinner/auction will be held on Saturday, February 8th, 2025 @ AHS


We meet the second Tuesday of every month at AHS or online at 7 PM. If you would like to know more please message/join us by anyu of the methods below:



Remind messaging: Text the message @abmbooster to 81010 to sign up for reminders from us.

Facebook page:

Mailing address: P.O. Box 965 Aberdeen, WA 98520


President/Secretary - Kala Winter

Vice-President - Shannon Patterson

Treasurer - Jessie Winter