Welcome to Aberdeen High School’s GEAR UP program! Aberdeen’s GEAR UP staff is committed to supporting the academic and career goals of this year’s Seniors.
GEAR UP is a state program funded by a federal grant with the goal of promoting enrollment in college, trade schools, apprenticeship programs and entry into post-high school careers. Our students have access to GEAR UP staff throughout the school day along with an amazing team of counselors. While GEAR UP’s main goal is assisting students with graduating high school and solidifying post-high school goals, we are here to support our students with a variety of resources, including general moral support and connecting them to services when necessary.
GEAR UP will host several events throughout the school year, including college and job site visits, job shadowing, financial aid workshops, and family nights. Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to participate in any and all of these events and get to know the GEAR UP staff who will be a part of their student’s educational journey this year.
Please navigate the website to discover information about the program, GEAR UP events, GEAR UP staff, and more!