AHS Athletics... over 100 years strong
In the fall of 1905, Aberdeen High trotted out one of the first high school football teams in the state. The following year, Aberdeen and Hoquiam would both field teams and play the first Aberdeen-Hoquiam game, and the oldest prep rivalry in the state began. Over the years, AHS has broadened the number of sports offerings to keep pace with the rest of the state.
Today, AHS offers 19 sports programs, spanning the length of the school year.
To Participate In Sports:
- Every athlete must complete all of the AHS Sport Paperwork which consists of the following forms:
Fill out on-line sports registration - Final Forms - must be completed with an updated physical and Impact Test
All of these forms are available in the AHS office.
All students participating in activities or athletics must have some form of insurance coverage. If your family is currently in between insurance providers, the school has access to low-cost student insurance. Information and forms are available in the office.
To encourage students to focus on academics, the Aberdeen School District and the WIAA require students to pass all but one class.
All participants must purchase a valid ASB card for $40 prior to their season (fall athletes may start their season before these are sold, but are expected to purchase them as soon as they are available. ASB cards are purchased from the Comptroller in the AHS office.
All participants must clear any fines they have accrued prior to their season. Failure to do so may mean that participation in contests could be affected.
Schedules and Rescheduling:
Schedules can be picked up in the main office, but due to rescheduling, which occurs for various reasons, the most up-to-date way of getting a schedule is to look at our calendar, and/or check in your child's sport on this webpage.
Athletic Department Contact Information
Athletic Director: John Crabb
Phone: 360-538-2065
Athletic Secretary: Michaela Hoover
Phone: 360-538-2052